ALERT! Taylor TX Christians Targeting Fight continues; Thursday Council Meeting!

Taylor Texas Continues Its Fight Against Christians!

Your hometown and neighbors need you this Thursday! The City of Taylor is trying to infringe on religious liberty, come and make your voice heard! The City of Taylor continues to make things difficult for Christians. Last year, the City Council did everything they could to stop Christians from participating in the Christmas parade because of their sincerely held beliefs on marriage and sexuality. As recently as last month, council members tried to pass an ordinance to make it harder for Christians to be involved in city events.  And on Thursday, let’s stand together to:


Both times, Texas Values has successfully pushed back against this discrimination, postponing the passage of harmful ordinances and protecting religious freedom.  

However, the City Council is back again. This time they are planning to resume their designs to pass an ordinance like the one from April of this year. This ordinance violates First Amendment case law, allows anti-Christian troublemakers to silence Christians, and gives one City official excessive power and control over free speech freedoms.

Help us push back against these policies and protect religious liberty in Taylor!  If you live in Taylor, we need you to show up to the city council meeting tomorrow and let the members of the council know that they should not infringe upon the citizen’s rights to have a Christian Christmas parade without fear of punishment or retaliation. 

Take action to protect Christians in Taylor! Send an email to the City Council or testify at the upcoming meeting.

Make it clear – you OPPOSE ORDINANCE 2023-14! To testify, plan to arrive 30-45 minutes before the start of the meeting to ensure you get a chance. Contact our office at if we can help. A member of our team will be at the City Council meeting on Thursday.

Date: Thursday, May 25, 2023 

Time: 6:00 – 8:00 pm  (arrive early to sign up for public comment)

Address: 400 Porter Street Taylor, TX 76754  

Location: Taylor City Hall Chambers 

If you’re unable to attend the meeting, please contact the city council members below: 

District 1 – Gerald Anderson: (512) 639-7752 
District 2 – Mitchell Drummond: (512) 639-7530 
District 3 – Brandt Rydell: (512) 352-3676 
District 4 – Robert Garcia: (512) 365-4665
At Large – Dwayne Ariola: (512) 269-1782 

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