More Opposition for Joe Straus, More Support For Ken Paxton from Rep.-Elect Jame White and Erwin Cain

Release: “East Texas Representatives-Elect Erwin Cain and James White Announce
Support for Ken Paxton as Texas House Speaker.”

“AUSTIN, TX-Representatives-Elect Erwin Cain (R-Como) and James White (R-Hillister) today joined other incoming and current legislators, and conservative organizations in announcing their support for Ken Paxton as Speaker of the Texas House.” 



James White

“White said, ‘… I support Ken Paxton for Speaker because he represents the strong and uncompromising conservatism my constituents demand.’”

 See full release here. White+and+Cain+Endorse+Paxton[1]

You’ll recall that Texas State Representative-Elect Erwin Cain was specifically targeted to “get rid of” by Joe Straus leadership member, Rep. Larry Phillips for not supporting Joe Straus for Speaker, according to Rep. Bryan Hughes.  See full details of this issue, below.

Erwin Cain

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