$450,000 of Taxpayer Money For Abortions & Planned Parenthood In Travis County? Action Item!

Update from Dec. 1:  a vote will come next Thursday, December 10!  Call now to stop this! Email us if you can come testify against this proposal next week!


The Travis County Health District will meet next week, Thursday, December 10th to have a public hearing, discuss and vote on $450,000 of taxpayer dollars to pay for abortions.  We also have reason to believe that Planned Parenthood will be seeking a portion of this money. See more details from the last hearing on this  by clicking here.

STAND WITH US & Call the Travis County Health District (512-978-8000) and tell them you don’t want your tax dollars to be used to pay for abortions and that you want this issue to be discussed in open view by the public!  If you live in the Travis County area or know people that do, PLEASE alert them to this problem! They are likely to  vote next week and you can rest assured they are being heavily influenced by the abortion lobbyists.

Planned Parenthood had two persons there testifying IN FAVOR of tax dollars being used for abortions.

Email us at legislative@freemarket.org is you would like to come to the hearing next week.  We need your local support! 

We will be testifying ourselves, but we need a huge turnout from Travis county residents to also testify!  We help you prepare for the 1-3 minutes you will have to speak.

Click here for details of more Government funding of PLANNED PARENTHOOD IN TEXAS. https://txvalues.org/2009/10/19/planned-parenthood-sex-ed-with-goverment-funding-controversy-continues/

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