Thousands March in D.C. For Marriage, Against Judicial Activism

March for Marriage pic (620-240)June 19, 2014 –Today, thousands of concerned Americans marched and rallied in Washington, D.C. at the March For Marriage, supporting marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Social science has demonstrated conclusively that kids do best when raised by both a loving mother and father in a stable marriage. The majority of citizens in the majority of states have supported marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Most states still define marriage as being between only a man and a woman and in most cases by means of a popularly-adopted constitutional amendment. Until very recently, the truth of man-woman marriage was nearly universally accepted across all cultural divides and in every era.

Texas Values president, Jonathan Saenz, released the following statement on the March For Marriage:

“Marriage is a Texas value, and we stand in unison with the thousands in D.C. today standing for marriage between one man and one woman. Voters in Texas have clearly spoken for marriage and have affirmed the unique good that a Mom and Dad play in a child’s life. The radical effort to redefine marriage is the defining issue of this generation, and we will continue to proudly stand for what’s right, no matter how hard the federal government and the out-of-control judiciary tries to redefine marriage and bully our state.”

Texas Values recently launched the Texas Marriage Declaration and thousands of Texans have declared their support for marriage and for Texas’ right to self-governance. The state of Texas is currently appealing a recent decision by a lone Federal Judge to strike down the states’ marriage laws. More information on the Texas Marriage Declaration can be found at

About Texas Values

Texas Values is a non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. More information is available at

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