Travis County Could Spend $450,000 for Abortions; Refuses to Discuss with Citizens
Click here for an update on this issue!!
We testified last week against Travis County’s efforts last week to use $450,000 of taxpayer funds to pay for abortions. Their response by the Travis County Health District after ours and the testimony of many others, was to run and hide in “executive session”, which means they discussed their intentions on this issue behind closed doors.Is this what the future of healthcare is going to look like? Bureaucrats behind closed doors wasting our tax dollars on life destroying practices? What an outrage.
STAND WITH US & Call the Travis County Health District (512-978-8000) and tell them you don’t want your tax dollars to be used to pay for abortions and that you want this issue to be discussed in open view by the public! They have not yet voted and you can rest assured they are being heavily influenced by the abortion lobbyists.
Planned Parenthood had two persons there testifying IN FAVOR of tax dollars being used for abortions.
Click here for details of more Government funding of PLANNED PARENTHOOD IN TEXAS.