Texas Receives Abstinence Funding & Contraception-Promoting Sex Ed Funding As Well

Texas will receive 5.4 million for abstinence focused sex education.  Tell your school district that you want your school to request this funding from the state. http://www.hhs.gov/news/press/2010pres/09/teenpregnancy_abstinencegrants.html

Entities in Texas will also receive 7.4 million for contraception-promoting sex education. http://www.hhs.gov/news/press/2010pres/09/teenpregnancy_statebystate.html

Why is the goverment investing money in Abstinence?  Because Abstinence Works.  Abstinence is the only method that is 100% effective at preventing sexually transmitted diseases and preventing pregnancy.  Why is the government investing money in contraception-focused sex education that doesn’t work and sets children up for heartbreak and danger?  Political pressure from the far left by groups that helped elect liberals in Congress and in the White House.

Contraception-focused sex education is a money stream and money cycle for Planned Parenthood.  The method is to promote contraceptive methods that are never 100% effective.  Which means teen pregnancies will result and Planned Parenthood will have a larger pool of new young girls from which Planned Parenthood can offer abortions.

Under an abstinence-focused approach in Texas, the Texas teen birth rate has decreased in a downward trend since 1991.  The teen birth rate has dropped 18% since 1991 (78 to 64).

According to a report by Child Trends, in 1991 the teen birth rate was 78 (per 1,000 births).  In 2007, the Texas teen birth rate was 64 (per 1,000 births).

Texas Teen Birth Rates:

1991:  78 (per 1,000 births)

2007: 64 (per 1,000 births)


However, an overwhelming majority of the teen births in Texas in 2006 were born to women that are 18 and older, and/or are married. (see page 3 of Child Trends report attached).ChildTrendsSummary

Teen Birth Rate is Down Nationally As Well: http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=xprnw.20100406.DC81933&show_article=1

Report:  Abstinence Works https://txvalues.org/2010/02/05/science-catches-up-with-common-sense-abstinence-works-better-than-condoms/

See more of our coverage on Abstinence here.  https://txvalues.org/?s=abstinence

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