Texas Marriage Case Friday: Join our #1Man1Woman Marriage ‘Social Media Storm’
Texans Support Marriage ‘Social Media Storm’
Friday, January 9th: 9 AM – 1:00 PM
This Friday, January 9, is the court hearing on Texas’ marriage laws at the federal Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans. Texas Values president and attorney, Jonathan Saenz, and members of the Texas Values team will be attending the hearing. Please be in prayer this week, especially on Friday, as the state of Texas defends our marriage laws between one man and one woman. The Louisiana and Mississippi marriage laws will be considered in court the same day.
With this historic case set for Friday, now is a critical time for Texans to commit to boldly stand for marriage and for Texas’ right to self-governance. Join our effort on Friday during the court hearing to stand for marriage as one man and one woman by participating in our ‘social media storm.’
Here’s what you can do to stand for marriage in Texas:
- Sign the Texas Marriage Declaration at TexasMarriageDeclaration.com. If you haven’t already, join with thousands of fellow Texans and declare your support for marriage and for Texas’ right to self-governance.
- Join the #1Man1Woman Tweet Storm. From 9 AM – 1:00 PM on Friday, join a tweet storm in support of marriage. Please use the #1Man1Woman hashtag and see some suggested tweets below.
- Facebook your support for marriage. Share the TexasMarriageDeclaration.com website on your Facebook page today and share some of our marriage graphics. See some images to share below.
Suggested Tweets:
RT to support marriage as #1Man1Woman in #Texas http://texasmarriagedeclaration.com/ #txlege
Thanks @KenPaxtonTX for defending marriage as #1Man1Woman in #Texas #txlege
I stand for marriage and the Texas Constitution #1Man1Woman http://texasmarriagedeclaration.com #txlege
Marriage is the sacred union of #1Man1Woman http://texasmarriagedeclaration.com #txlege
Every child in #Texas deserves a mother and father #1Man1Woman #txlege
Stand for God’s Truth: Marriage is between #1Man1Woman #txlege
Definitions matter. A descent into the unknown (polygamy?) has been the hallmark of the push to redefine marriage #1Man1Woman #txlege
76% of Texans supported #1Man1Woman marriage. Courts should not thwart the will of the #Texas people http://texasmarriagedeclaration.com #txlege
Judges mandating same-sex marriage tramples the #ReligiousFreedom of Texans #1Man1Woman #txlege
Redefining marriage = Pastor persecution – just ask the Houston 5 pastors! https://txvalues.org/2014/10/15/city-of-houston-to-pastors-turn-over-your-sermons/ #1Man1Woman #religiousfreedom
Redefining marriage = Great grandmother possibly losing florist business http://dailysignal.com/2014/12/28/great-grandma-florist-lose-livelihood-saying-no-wedding/ #1Man1Woman
Redefining marriage = Farmers forced by government to host same-sex ‘wedding’ in their home http://dailysignal.com/2014/09/26/farmers-lesbian-couple-hateful-people/ #1Man1Woman
Redefining marriage = Cake bakers forced to shut down https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0X_bEXtytc #1Man1Woman #religiousfreedom
Redefining marriage = men entering little girls bathrooms; ask moms in Houston & San Antonio #1Man1Woman #txlege
Thought it wouldn’t happen? 3 lesbians now claim to be “married” in Massachusetts http://nypost.com/2014/04/23/married-lesbian-threesome-expecting-first-child/ #txlege #1Man1Woman
Redefining marriage = taxpayers being forced to fund gov’t benefits for same sex couples #txlege #1Man1Woman
Coalition of African American Pastors filed legal brief to support Texas marriage laws. #1Man1Woman
Facebook Share Images (download and share on FB):
Texas Marriage Declaration graphic: https://txvalues.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/texas-marriage-declaration-fb-share-560.jpg
Pray for Marriage graphic: https://txvalues.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1.-Please-pray-today.jpg
Definitions Matter graphic https://txvalues.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Definitions-matter.jpg
Children Deserve graphic: https://txvalues.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Children-deserve.jpg
Stand for Marriage graphic: https://txvalues.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/I-stand-for-marriage-1.jpg