Home » Enhanced Ways To Give » Donor Advised Funds

Do you have a Donor Advised Fund (DAF) with Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, or the BNY Mellon Charitable Gift Fund? If so, you can make a gift recommendation in just a few steps by using our DAF Direct dynamic widget.

Our new DAF Direct widget allows you to contact your fund’s charitable sponsor and recommend grants to be distributed to Texas Values. You have the power to impact Texas in just seconds.

About Donor Advised Funds

Are you looking for an easy, cost-effective way to support Texas Values and other causes you love? A donor advised fund, which is like a charitable investment account for the sole purpose of supporting charitable organizations, may be the right choice for you.

donor advised fund is an account that you set up but which is managed by a nonprofit organization. You contribute to the account, which grows tax-free. You can recommend how much (and how often) you want to distribute money from that fund to Texas Values or other charities.

Here’s how it works. You transfer cash or other assets to a tax-exempt sponsoring organization such as a public foundation. You can then recommend—but not direct—how much and how often money is granted to Texas Values or other charities—sometimes as easily as using a Web portal. And you avoid the cost and complexities of managing a private foundation.

What do you receive in return? An immediate federal income tax charitable deduction at the time you contribute to the account, and the power to make recommendations on which charities to support whenever you want. You centralize your giving and record-keeping in one location. And maybe best of all, you can start a legacy of giving by letting your children help decide which grants to recommend.

Create a donor advised fund with one of the following assets:

With as little as $5,000 in cash, an individual, family, or foundation can establish a donor advised fund. Be sure to consult with your financial adviser regarding contribution standards.

Appreciated Securities
Eliminate capital gains tax by donating appreciated assets you have held for more than a year on the transfer.

Retirement Plan Assets
You may make your donor advised fund a beneficiary of your retirement plan assets. You could then designate your loved ones as the donor advisors, which would allow them to make recommendations on what charitable organizations to support through the fund.

Tangible Personal Property
You may be able to use non-income-producing property such as stamp and coin collections or works of art in exchange for a federal income tax charitable deduction.

Next Steps

  1. Evaluate a sponsoring organization to make sure it supports your interests, values and the type of asset you are considering as a funding source.
  2. Get to know the organization’s policies and procedures-from minimum contributions to administrative fees. Each organization handles these details differently.
  3. Seek the advice of your financial or legal advisor.
  4. Contact legacy@txvalues.org, to discuss using donor advised funds to support Texas Values.
  5. If you include Texas Values in your plans, please include the following information:

Texas Values
1005 Congress Ave, Ste 830
Austin, Texas 78701
Phone: (512) 478-2220
Federal Tax ID: Upon Request