“Vote the Bible” T-Shirt Ban Catching National Attention
A story we first reported yesterday about a Texas Grandmother who was forced to cover up a “Vote the Bible” shirt that was deemed “offensive”, is gaining national attention.
Fox News here | Breitbart here | CBN here | Austin American Statesman here
To recap: During early voting last week, a Texas voter in Williamson County was banned from wearing a t-shirt with the words “Vote the Bible” printed on the front. On October 24, Williamson County election workers at the Taylor City Hall polling place told Kay Hill, a grandmother, that before she would be allowed to vote she had to turn her shirt inside out, go home and change, or cover up the words “Vote the Bible” because they may be “offensive.” Ms. Hill ultimately complied and was forced to cover up the words “Vote the Bible” so she could vote.
This is a clear attack on religious freedom – no person should be put in the position of having to choose religious freedom over deciding to vote. Texas Values is assisting Ms. Hill and we have formally requested that Williamson County apologize to Ms. Hill and allow the shirt to be worn at the polls. Rick Barron, the Williamson County Elections Administrator, has defended the ban and can be reached at (512) 943-1630.
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And check out Texas Values President Jonathan Saenz being interviewed about this story on Fox 7: