Texas Speaker of the House Vote is On Monday/Tuesday: Act Now!
There will be a rally on Monday, January 10th, at 12:30 p.m. at the north side of the Capitol to ask for “no” vote on Joe Straus for Speaker of the House and a “yes” vote for a true conservative for Speaker of the House. Please be respectful and courteous to House members and their staff. Your message will be more effective if you stick to this approach.
Have you called your State Representative about the Speaker of the House issue? Make your call today and ask for your Texas State House member to support a conservative Speaker of the House. Ask them to oppose current moderate Speaker, Joe Straus.
Many people have called and ask for phone numbers to contact their Texas House Member about the Speaker of the House issue.
Here is the new phone number list, updated with the new House members elected in November of 2010, as well.
Is your House member suppporting Joe Straus for Texas Speaker of the House? You may be surprised so you’d better check the list. The following House Members were listed as supporting Straus but have now made it clear they are no longer on the Straus support list: Paul Workman (says he hasn’t made a final decision), Larry Gonzales, Jodie Laubenberg, Ken Paxton, Tan Parker, Bryan Hughes, Bill Zedler, Debbie Riddle, Randy Weber. You’ll see lines drawn through their name on this list. There are also numerous other Texas House members who never pledged to Straus, so their name is not on this list as well.
Don’t know who your Texas House member is? Click here.
What are the concerns about Joe Straus for Texas Speaker? See here-THE CASE AGAINST JOE STRAUS FOR TEXAS SPEAKER
Representatives Ken Paxton and Warren Chisum are also running for Texas Speaker of the House and are widely known as solid and proven conservatives.