Texas Pro-Life Bill Receives Final Passage, Heads to Gov. Perry
Texas Passes Pro-Life Bill: Statement in Response
Austin, TX, July 13, 2013 – Today HB 2, called the “pro-life omnibus bill” was passed by the Texas Senate. HB 2, authored by Republicans Rep. Jodie Laubenberg and Sen. Glenn Hegar, has already passed the Texas House. The bill is now headed to Gov. Rick Perry’s desk to be signed into law. The attention of the nation has been focused on this legislation for the past few weeks, after similar legislation was blocked in the first special session by a day-long filibuster by Democratic Texas Senator Wendy Davis. Gov. Rick Perry called a second special session specifically to create an opportunity for Texas to pass this pro-life legislation.
“Texas legislators followed the will of Texas women and families and held firm to ensure that a woman’s health and the lives of the unborn are both given the highest protection,” said Jonathan Saenz, president of Texas Values.
HB 2 would effectively ban abortion in Texas at five months of pregnancy and increases health and safety standards at abortion clinics. Evidence was presented that an unborn child can begin feeling pain in the womb at five (5) months. Twelve (12) other states ban abortions at or before the fifth (5th) month of pregnancy.