TEXAS ELECTION NIGHT RESULTS!!! 100 Republican State House Seats? SBOE Upset Alert?
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According to one source, Texas Republicans could pick up 22 seats in the Texas House, almost 100 total seats, out of 150. Wow, that is a serious landslide of success by conservatives in Texas. These new numbers means some type of shake up could happen with the Texas Speakers of the House, who is a Republican, who relied almost entirely on the Democrats for support. Only a few state Republicans actually supported Speaker Straus in 2009, when the Republican/Democrat split was only 76-74. With the split now being at least 99-51, there will be talk about choosing a new Speaker. Will it be more than talk? We’ll see.
Upset alert for a Texas State Board of Education race. No, Republicans Ken Mercer and Marsha Farney are not close to losing (they emphatically defeated their Democrat opponents), it’s Democrat Rene Nunez that is in serious trouble.
Democrat State Board of Education member Rene Nunez is losing his race against Republican Charlie Garza. As of 12:20 a.m., it’s Nunez 47.3% and Garza 52.6%, with most votes already counted.
It’s not over yet, so let’s see how the final numbers turnout. Stay tuned.
1:28 a.m. UPDATE! SBOE raced has tightened, Nunez has cut his deficit in half, it’s now Nunez 48.15%, Garza 51.84%
2:15 a.m., margin has narrowed, Nunez 48.27%, Garza 51.72%. 15 precincts left to report for this race.
Final Count, conservative Republican, Charlie Garza defeats Rene Nunez for State Board of Education. The SBOE split is now 11 Republicans, 4 Democrats. It was 10/5. It appears Texas voters sent a clear message that they want conseravtive leadership at the Texas State Board of Education and they soundly approve of the Social Studies and Science curriculum standards recently adopted by the Texas SBOE.