Texans Rally in Athens, Say “Don’t Mess with Christmas”
This past Saturday, an estimated 5,000 Texans rallied to support the Nativity Scene at the Henderson County Courthouse in Athens, Tx. The Wisconsin based Freedom From Religion Foundation, who...
War on Christmas comes to Henderson County
December 16, 2011
If Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) sounds familiar to you, it’s likely because they are the same atheist group currently behind the attacks on the Tenth...
Statesman: Suit Over Houston Prayer Rally “Misguided”
July 15, 2011
Did I read this correctly? Is this really from the Austin-American Statesman, dismissing the suit by their liberal friends at the Freedom From Religion group, who...
Fox 7 Interview on Lawsuit to Stop Prayer Rally
July 14, 2011
Liberty Institute was interviewed by Fox 7 in Austin yesterday on the lawsuit filled by an atheist group, The Freedom From Religion Foundation, to stop the Prayer...