Veterans Day Teaching in Texas Public Schools Protected by Texas State Board Of Education, Religious Liberty Prevails over Federal Gov’t in Houston

Veterans & Their Families Protected in Texas by Liberty Institute:  At Liberty Institute we were honored to win a huge religious liberty case in Houston at...

Catch Liberty Institute at the Texas Tribune Festival on Sunday debating the SBOE

Liberty Institute’s Director of Legislative Affairs, Jonathan Saenz will speak this weekend at the Texas Tribune Festival.  The Festival is a weekend of debate, discussion and...

Rep. Wayne Christian Interview on SBOE, Abortion Funding

As part of our continued coverage of the recently completed legislative session, we will be releasing a series of sit down interviews we did with key conservative...

“Moderate” Republican Supports Texas Social Studies/History Standards, Gail Lowe For SBOE Chair

In a special article today in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, State Board of Education Member, Pat Hardy writes in support of the texas social studies standards...