Legal Analysis: State Laws Defining Marriage as One Man and One Woman Are Constitutional
March 12, 2014
From the Family Research Council’s Marriage on Trial INTRODUCTION Those who wish to change the definition of marriage from the union of one man and one...
Texas Values Stands for Traditional Marriage in Media
June 27, 2013
Yesterday should serve as a wake up call to Texans, and all Americans, that support traditional marriage. Marriage and the family remain critical for our country and...
Supreme Court Refuses to Redefine Marriage Nationwide, Marriage Unchanged in Texas For Now
June 26, 2013
Austin, TX, June 26, 2013 – In response to the two decisions released today by the U.S. Supreme Court regarding marriage, Texas Values released the following...
High Court To Rule on Marriage, Could Impact Texas Constitution
December 7, 2012
Austin, Texas, Dec. 7, 2012 – Today, the U.S. Supreme Court announced it will rule on whether or not voters have a right to define marriage...