A Stand for Religious Liberty at God and Country Rally
February 23, 2012
On a cold and wet morning this past Saturday, hundreds of Texans packed the Lakewood Church of the Nazarene in Tyler, TX to take a stand...
Rally for “God and Country” this Saturday
February 14, 2012
In case you haven’t noticed, your religious freedoms are under attack. From the Obama administration’s HHS mandating that Catholic institutions and other religious organizations must provide abortifacents and...
Texas Medical Association: Senate Plan is “Bad Medicine”; Liberal Texas Democrat is Texas Point man For Obama
November 23, 2009
The Texas Medical Association (TMA) has released a statement opposing the Senate version of the Government Takeover of healthcare. Click here for their release. http://www.texmed.org/Template.aspx?id=8201 Quorum Report...
Congressman Lloyd Doggett Gets an Earful on his home turf, in Austin on Obama Health Care
August 3, 2009
Congressman Lloyd Doggett (D-Austin), according to others, asked his constituents to come out and “bend his ear” on the so-called attempt to “reform” health, which President...
Stop the Abortion Mandate!! Stop Planned Parenthood Funding by Taxpayers!! Live Webcast Tomorrow!!
July 22, 2009
Tomorrow, on Thursday, July 23rd, a live webcast will take place at 8 p.m. Central. You’ll remember we informed you that Planned Parenthood was busted in...