Know a Texas Lawyer? They’ll want to read this
October 19, 2018
Are you a lawyer? Do you know a lawyer? We need your help TODAY! The Board of Directors of the State Bar of Texas (SBOT), the...
Democrat Mary Gonzalez Wins Election, Comes Out As “Pansexual”
August 10, 2012
Democrat Mary Gonzales will be the next State Representative for District 75 in El Paso. Gonzales already defeated two other Democrats in the Democrat Primary, narrowly...
UT Expert Study: Mom & Dad Still Best, “Risks” for Gay Parenting
June 21, 2012
Gay lobby groups were hoping that discussion about gay parenting and the impact on children was settled, off-limits, and supported by “social science” and the academic...
NJ Gov. Christie Vetoes Gay Marriage Bill
February 17, 2012
Marriage and Family
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has vetoed a bill that would allow same-sex couples to wed. The New Jersey General Assembly passed the measure Thursday, and...
Mass Gay “Wedding” Planned for Austin at Capitol on Saturday
October 14, 2011
Marriage and Family
You may have missed it but Tuesday, October 11th was National Coming Out Day. To celebrate, the Rev. Meg. Barnhouse, minister of the First Unitarian Universalist...
On Good Day in Austin this morning to discuss Same-Sex Issues
May 16, 2011
This morning on Good Day (on Fox 7 in Austin), I discussed the issue of same-sex marriage and adoption in the state of Texas with Dennis Coleman,...