Students Lose Their Lives Standing for their Faith
Last week, the nation watched in shock as reports from Oregon revealed a shooter entered the Umpqua Community College campus. He killed 9 students and injured 9 others before killing himself.
We as a nation hoped that such an atrocity like that of the Columbine High School would never happen on American soil again. But as horrific retellings of the attack came in, stories surfaced that the shooter entered a classroom, shot the teacher, then asked students to stand and state if they were a Christian. The shooter also asked them if they believed in the after-life. Responders were then murdered in the sight of their classmates.
Our hearts and prayers go out to the families of every victim of UCC. Each life is precious and no words can describe a loss and pain through a tragedy such as this. Our thoughts especially go out to those who were killed because of their faith. These students paid the ultimate price by standing for their religious beliefs. Their brave acts of courage cost them their very lives. We will remember their legacies by continuing to stand fast to our faith, no matter the cost.