Religious Freedom Attacks Growing at ‘Alarming Rate’
Our friends at Liberty Institute and the Family Research Council have released the 2014 edition of Undeniable: The Survey of Hostility to Religion in America. The report documents 1,600 incidents this year – an increase of 25 percent from last year. The report clearly demonstrates that unprecedented hostility to religion does exist in America today, and the denial of these attacks continues to threaten fundamental religious freedom of people of all faiths. To view and download a free copy of the 2014 “Undeniable” report, visit
Texas Values President Jonathan Saenz spoke with Fox 7 about the growing attacks last night, highlighting the growing number of attacks right here in Texas:
In 2012, the Family Research Council began collaborating with Liberty Institute to document the frequency and the severity of hostility to religion in the U.S. Liberty Institute President and CEO Kelly Shackelford and Family Research Council President Tony Perkins write in the latest survey’s opening letter:
“We offer Undeniable 2014 to you, the American people, as an alarm bell ringing in the night. We believe the many public opinion surveys showing that you, the people, are still a religious people. We believe abundant research shows that religion remains a cornerstone of morality, order, charity, and freedom. If you allow the forces of intolerance to steal religious freedom, you will forfeit all these benefits for yourself your children and future generations.”