Obama Administration Un-Defends Marriage
Last week, the U.S. Attorney General – the nation’s most powerful attorney – announced that the Obama administration will stop defending the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which protects traditional marriage. DOMA, which was signed into law by President Bill Clinton, says that the federal government will not recognize same-sex marriage and that states aren’t required to recognize same-sex marriages approved in other states. It’s beyond outrageous and inexcusable that a President and an Attorney General would refuse to defend a law that it’s their very duty to protect. Previously, the Obama administration half-heartedly defended DOMA in lawsuits, but now that they won’t defend the law, Congress will be given a shot at making sure this law holds up.
Today, I will be on a radio program with George Stephenson (12:00 – 1:00 p.m.), President and Founder of Grassroots America We the People, discussing this issue. The show is available to stream at http://toginet.com/shows/grassrootsamericawethepeople