Grinched: ‘Christmas’ Could Still be Banned in Frisco ISD

ban-merry-christmas graphicNot so fast…the War on Christmas seems to be continuing in Frisco ISD after we previously thought the issue had been resolved. Last month, we shared the story of the effort to ban references of Christmas at a “Winter Party” in a Frisco elementary school after a PTA email listed some rules that included “No reference to Christmas or any other religious holiday” and “no red/green or Christmas trees.”  But thanks to the Merry Christmas Law and the diligent efforts of State Rep. Pat Fallon (R-Frisco), we were told that these irresponsible “rules” had been ditched and that kids would be free to say “Merry Christmas.”

But in an apparent reversal, Rep. Fallon has now received another communication from the PTA stating that they were going to keep the original rules because they “didn’t want to offend any families…” As you can imagine, families are upset at this reversal, which is not consistent with our new Merry Christmas Law. In a Fox 4 story in Dallas, a local parent stated, “The kids that are used to saying Christmas. They should be able to say ‘Merry Christmas’.”

Watch the full Fox 4 story that highlights our Merry Christmas Texas project and radio ads:

This is a developing story, and Texas Values is working with Rep. Fallon to ensure that Christmas is protected in Frisco ISD once and for all. This is another great reminder that we must stay vigilant in defending our most precious religious freedoms.

It is expected that most school “Holiday” parties will be taking place in the next two weeks.  It’s not too late to protect Christmas at your school. Visit today and joint the effort to protect Christmas in our Texas schools. The Law is on your side!


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