Action Needed NOW! State Board of Education Under Attack Again


Call State Sen. Shapiro and your own State Senator NOW! (512-463-0108). Tell her you OPPOSE SB 2275. Sen. Shapiro is the chairperson for the Senate Education Committee.  She has the authority to allow a vote on this bill or not.  She has not indicated her position on this bill, so kind, respectful opposition is what we need.  S

SB 2275, by Sen. Kel Seliger (R-Amarillo)-strips the State Board of Education of their authority over curriculum and textbook issues, like the Science/Evolution & Censorship issue they just decided.  Imagine, if this bill passes, you will be cut off from the education process that decides how your children are taught. If this bill passes, that would mean the public process that allowed thousands of Texans, including teachers, professors, and parents, to be a major part of the Science/Evolution & Censorship, we will be scrapped.  Instead, a more backroom, behind closed doors approach will prevail, with just a few ‘academics” making the decisions.  The process will be hidden from you, the citizen.  Why was this bill filed?  Because the State Board of Education actually has public and healthy debate over issues, making time to allow so many people to be a part of process.  However, some people don’t like the outcome of the recent Science & Censorship issue.  Guess who testified in favor of this bill?  The same groups and professors that want to ban discussion and debate in the Science classroom.  So they didn’t like open discussion in the Science classroom and now they don’t want discussion in the public on all Education issues.  CENSORSHIP CAN NOT BE TOLERATED. We’re here at the Capitol working against this bill, but we need your help!


CALL SENATOR SHAPIRO!! 512-463-0108 (Capitol Office) Click Here to call your own State Senator PLEASE BE KIND AND RESPECTFUL!

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