Abstinence Works: Texas Teen Birth Rate Down In Texas, Since 1991, 2000, Rate Down Nationally

A new report confirms that Texas Teen Birth Rate is lower since 2000.  The report indicates that Texas’ teen birth rate has improved 7 percent, since 2000. Actually, the Texas teen birth rate is down even more since 1991.  The teen birth rate has dropped 18% since 1991 (78 to 64).  Even though Texas’ “rank” compared to other states is low, it cannot be ignored that Texas’ numbers regarding teen births are showing a very notable and improving trend, during a time period when abstinence has been stressed.

 Abstinence only has been stressed in schools during most of this time period.  Some school districts, like Corpus Christi ISD, have chosen only teach partially about abstinence, and use other time to teach numerous contraceptive methods that expose children to serious health risks.  Planned Parenthood teaches sex education to school children in Corpus Christi schools.  Planned Parenthood leadership in Corpus Christi believes that kindergarten is not too early to teach sex educaiton.

Actually, the Texas teen birth rate is down even more since 1991.  The teen birth rate has dropped 18% since 1991 (78 to 64).

According to a report by Child Trends, in 1991 the teen birth rate was 78 (per 1,000 births).  In 2007, the Texas teen birth rate was 64 (per 1,000 births).

Texas Teen Birth Rates:

1991:  78 (per 1,000 births)

2007: 64 (per 1,000 births)


However, an overwhelming majority of the teen births in Texas in 2006 were born to women that are 18 and older, and/or are married. (see page 3 of Child Trends report attached).ChildTrendsSummary

Teen Birth Rate is Down Nationally As Well: http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=xprnw.20100406.DC81933&show_article=1

Report:  Abstinence Works https://txvalues.org/2010/02/05/science-catches-up-with-common-sense-abstinence-works-better-than-condoms/

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