Repeal-and-Replace of NC Privacy Law (HB 2): Left Furious, State Retains Control

Today, the North Carolina legislature voted to repeal and replace HB 2 in a compromise that doesn’t appear to lead to a violation of women’s and...

NCAA Plays Politics with Women’s Safety

This week, the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) joined President Obama’s radical bathroom agenda and announced they are moving championship games...

Tell the ACC to Protect Safety and Privacy

Our friends in North Carolina need your help! The Atlantic Coast Conference (“ACC”), which is headquartered in Greensboro, North Carolina, is threatening to move championship games...

After North Carolina Executive Order, ACLU Suit All About Bathrooms

Yesterday, North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory issued an executive order to respond to LGBT and ACLU concerns regarding North Carolina HB 2 law that addresses issues...

Stand with North Carolina

Common sense can get you in a lot of trouble these days! Gov. Pat McCrory of North Carolina is under a lot of pressure from activists...